Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday I will be preaching through Acts 1:4-5, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is an important doctrine for us to understand, but one of the most controversial. Some of the confusion lies in a failure to understand the uniqueness of Pentecost.

We could easily spend weeks studying what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit. Is He a force or a Person? Is He God or a creation of God? What is the difference between baptism, indwelling, filling, sealing, and gifts of the Holy Spirit?

I am going to attempt to answer these questions (and others) in one sermon on Sunday. So please pray for me. Thanks!


I am Katy, said...

Praying for you. Can't wait to hear what God has to say through you. (So glad the sermons are online.)

Alicia said...

Oooo...sounds really interesting. I have been reading John MacArthur's commentary and was amazed how much your last sermons have lined up with his thoughts.
The Holy Spirit was, I think, one of the things I was most confussed on as a child. I wonder if it is perhaps the most vulnerable to being mixed with human emotions and therefore misrepresented. Hmmm..

Tricia said...

I really enjoyed your sermon last week. I will pray for you. I look forward to listening to your sermon next week. I am teaching this month.