Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Metrical Psalter

My Austin had a poem assignment for his 10th grade English class. He needed to take a Psalm and turn it into a metrical psalter (8 syllable - 6 syllable rhyme). He chose Psalm 13:

How long will You ignore me Lord?
When will I see your face?
How long shall I be abhorred,
Having sorrow and disgrace?

For how long must I be humbled?
Regard me and reply.
Answer me or I will stumble,
And my enemy will say “die”

And my enemy will delight
In my time of deep need.
But I will remain in Your might
My soul shall worship Thee.

My voice will be raised to the Lord
For He has been generous to me,
And His mercy will be adored!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Thanks for sharing. Good job, Austin!