Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bible Reading Plans for 2010

With the New Year comes new opportunities to read through the Bible.

While I read and preach from the NASB, the ESV translation website has 10 reading plans to choose from.

My wife, Paula, is going through the Bible chronologically. My daugher, Marie, is using the One Year Bible. The boys and I are simply reading a chapter a day. Not sure what plan Jennifer is following.

In any case, I encourage to be intentional and plan how you are going to read the Bible. Don’t leave it to chance.


Christina said...

Right now, I am reading Sacred Marriage by Gary Tomas and looking up all the passages he cites as I go through it. Many times I keep going and read the verses before and after. I've done that with some other books as well. It's not really the most comprehensive Bible reading plan, but I get more out of whatever book I'm reading. And it's really fun!

Mrs.Oz said...

I had all ready planned to do that this year. I'm using the chronological plan myself and really enjoying it. I found a group of women online going through the passages and taking turns doing daily posts of refletion. Between that and the John MacArthur study guides in my bible, it's lots of fun digesting! Rick is winging it by chronological memory but then, he would know that sort of thing. :)

Kristen Borland said...

I'd been sloooowly working my way through the Bible chapter by chapter since the middle of '08. I randomly started at Romans (just to spice things up) and worked my way forward until I was at the beginning. I was in the middle of Exodus when the New Year came along. Half way through January I decided I needed a better plan (because clearly I hadn't made it very far in a year and a half!), so I picked up the photocopy you had in the foyer (The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan). I'm playing catch-up by doing two-days worth a day so I'll be on time when February rolls around. Doubling up is a lot for one day, but I'm really enjoying reading some Old T, New T, and Psalms all in one day.

Thanks for providing the photocopies and the link to all the ideas. It definitely helps to have a plan!! (And I love checking off the little boxes each day!)

kat said...

I am trying to download the sermons to my mp3 player, can you give me instructions?
Kathy S.