Tuesday, April 1, 2008

John Piper

What a blessing to have John Piper come to the Central Coast. I have been blessed for years by his books and audio sermons, but there was something special and powerful about hearing him live with hundreds of other people. I was especially thankful to have my three older children listen with me on Sunday night. We are still talking about the message. I know many were impacted by Piper's passionate, articulate, and clear teaching.

If you missed the events, you can listen to the audio right here:

The Essence of the Unwasted Life

The Origin of the Unwasted Life

The Appearance of the Unwasted Life, Part 1

The Appearance of the Unwasted Life, Part 2

Other Sheep That Are Not of This Fold (Sunday Night)

How have these messages ministered to you?

We have the Don't Waste Your Life study materials. Are you interested in joining a study?


Alicia said...

I know Rick and I would love that study. My mom and dad read the book and my mom was absolutely blown away with blessing from hearing John Piper.
Thank you for posting the links too, Paula said they were out there and now I have directions!

Kristen Borland said...

We have been very blessed by them. We were encouraged to be more purposeful in our faith and to act upon the gifts and abilities God has given us, for His glory.

We were considering doing that study with Mike's family as a family Bible study but haven't discussed it with everyone yet.

Tricia said...

John Marc,
Tricia and I are interested.
John Whittington